Pneumatic rod is also called the gas spring, where the back door that can be opened and closed on the power and maintain force constant role, and played a limiter role. In the process of opening and closing the back door, which through the closed cavity liquid / gas mixture into each other to provide a power function, while ensuring the force constant, the back door can be stopped at any position; when the back door to the maximum position, in order to prevent the outer plate and the top cover interference, while at the same time limit back door maximum opening, the door is opened to the maximum position to stay in place, not to shut down automatically, the pneumatic rod is served as a retainer of the role.
In the pneumatic brace layout process must pay attention to the problem:
(1) Installation position must be correct, not flip; the installation point should be as close as possible to the center of gravity of the horizontal line through the back door, stress as reasonable as possible(the back door gravity constant, close to the rear arm becomes small, torque will follow the smaller);
(2) The size of a reasonable, effective stroke in meet the requirement for use case is as small as possible, to reduce aerodynamic bar in the back door arrangement space;
(3) In the back door open and close in the process should not be inclined or horizontal force, and may not be for the handrail;
(4) In order to ensure the sealing reliability, may damage the surface of the piston rod, is strictly prohibited to paint and chemicals on the piston rod, also do not allow the gas spring first installed at desired locations, spray, paint;
(5) The piston rod is strictly prohibited to rotate left, such as the need to adjust the joint direction, can only turn right(avoid intraluminal gas loss). This in the pneumatic support installation, extremely important;
(6) Ambient temperature is -35℃ - 60 ℃, the back door installation, and to avoid high temperature objects(such as various types of motor etc.)close;
(7) Connection point, should be flexible rotation, no blocking phenomenon, is not allowed to interfere in pneumatic rod cylinder arm caused extrusion.